New Hill Bird Tea Dust

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Are you a Teh lover? Do you drink Teh everyday?

Let me confess, I drink Teh c (black tea with evaporated milk) almost everyday.(sometimes twice!😝)

That's how I drink my Teh and I'm sure you have your favourites.

Boh Tea (loose packed) is my go-to brand every other time.

Recently, I couldn't locate it at any shop so, I resorted to purchasing this particular brand.

This is a Singapore product.

New Hill Bird Tea Dust

Buy Lah:

This loose tea is pretty strong so less is more!

It makes a real strong teh c.

Maybe Not Lah:

It has a slight bitter after taste. Leaving your tea leaves longer creates a much stronger and bitter tea! The caffeine was a wee bit strong for me! (Shaky hands)

If you like drinking, Teh/ Teh C, give it try!

Support local brands.

Let me know what type of teas do you buy in the comment box below.👇

                                                           courtesy by @saramj7 

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