Janet Ayurveda Real Papaya Face Wash Review

Hello everyone, hope all are doing great. Happy Ramadan to all my Muslim friends.

If you have seen any of my  youtube videos , recently then ,  you would have known that i have suffered a bad skin reaction due to baby wipes (yes , you're reading correctly ) it had alcohol on it and the reactions were pretty bad,. by the way, it was  johnson & johnson .

After that bad ordeal, I have completely stopped all the  products which has any inkling of alcohol in it.
In fact , I moved to the organic and Ayurvedic  direction. Does it work you ask? hmm... well it does but its not instant. It is slow but  it works . That's good enough for me.
I bought a few alcohol free and chemical free products.  First, Im gonna review about  Janet Ayurveda Real Papaya  Face Wash.

Janet Ayurveda Real Papaya Face Wash(Normal to oily skin)

It has absolutely no chemical, not even Sodium Laureth. It contains 100% natural extracts papaya, Aloe Vera, honey and mint. It removes dead skin cells & lightening marks, discolourations & dark patches. It also clears clogged pores & helps control formation of black/white heads  (how great is that?)
I had tingling sensation when i applied it for the very first time . I'm so liking it. It has a very nice smell to it too.

This product comes in medium sized orange tube in 100ml.

This product is made in Sri Lanka.


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