E.L.F. Studio blush in giddy gold Review

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

giddy gold its more like a highlighter then a blush.

its not very pigmented but the colour do shows off i usually use as a highlighter or else on top of my blushes my collar bones and to highlight my nose.it looks really pretty on dusky skin . trust me . and its inexpensive.
Pros of ELF Studio blush in giddy gold:
A beautiful dusty shimmer gold great for highlight
apply it on a matte blushes it will gives a glowy look.
Elf blushes are good value and quality for money

cons of  ELF Studio blush in giddy gold:
little powdery
it will  get little messy when you  use the brush on the pan .
(but i don't mind) other than that the product work well for the price .

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