25 random facts about me

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hello lovelies hope im not late Im seeing a lot of people posting about 20 0r 25 random facts "about me"in blogs and Instagram. it was interesting to read so today i did 25 random facts about me.

1. Hi my name is sagunthala and i prefer people calling me with my full name then sagu (which i don’t like) born on November  25 yes Im a saggi gal (Sagittarius).

2. I get excited when i see old and vintage buildings (don’t ask me why) .

3 . Favorite colours = turquoise,gold,blue, mustard,brown and black.

4 .I can’t clean my room unless I am playing music.

5 .I’m not a morning person (I hate waking up in the morning) .

6 .I have weakness for ice cream especially for Ben and Jerry.

7 .I will never leave the house without kajal   .

8 .I love cooking and trying out new recipes.        

9 . I'm classic introvert.

10.Until the age of 12 i slept with the light on.

11 . I will freak out if i see a flying cockroach.. (omg goosebumps)

12 . I love drinking masala tea and coffee but i stop drinks few month ago because of lactose in tolerance (sob sob) .

13 .I love cartoons my all time fave is superman and friends .

14 .I’m a PJ person.

15 .I love jeans i can wear them everyday

16 . I’m a big fan of Micheal Jackson and i can do moonwalk (seriously)

17 . I’m addicted to pinterest.

18 . I don’t like people who are passive aggressive .

19 .I love the smell of new books.

20 .I dream alot even when i’m just dozing off and not in deeply asleep. (dream factory).

21.I’m a very emotional person, i cry for all kind of reasons.

22. I don’t watch horror movies .

23.I like calling my friends  and relatives to my house and cooking meal for them.

24.I cant wear super high heels. i just can't walk in that (scary).

25 .I always sleep better on my left side and on the left side of the bed.

There you go, 25 random facts about me .I hope you enjoyed these weird yet (hopefully) interesting facts about me. Please leave your comments and do share random facts about yourself i tag everyone who following me.

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