Can you guess what this might be?

Can you guess what this might be? 👆 

If you have guessed it as Boiled Egg Timer than you are RIGHT! Ting! Ting! Ting!  

Yes, it's from DAISO! Put your hands up & wave👋🏽if you love DAISO! Hahaha 



1.     If you are someone like me, not great in boiling a perfect egg, then this is for YOU! It’ brilliant and it looks super cuuuuute! Place the timer with the eggs in the boiling water. E.g if you prefer 'Medium” done, remove eggs once "medium" turns white. 😊 Easy Peasy 


1.     Urm.. Unless you are a vegetarian! 🌿 


VERDICT: C'mon! Its only $2 and resusable!!! 

courtesy by @saramj7 

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