Killi Herb & Spices - Stevia Leaves

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Last year, i decided to cut down on sugar. I opted for Stevia as I can't live without my Tea!! Initially i used SIS Stevia sachets. (I will do a review on that much later.) 


I chanced upon this product by chance at Jothi Flower Store at Campbell Lane. 



1.     You just need 1 tsp or lesser for a cup.  


2.     Organic- these are ACTUAL STEVIA DRIED LEAVES!!Nothing can beat this. 


3.     It's in Ziploc bags- a heaven sent for me! 


4.     It's less than $7 but I can't recollect the price. Let me know if you are keen to know, I will check it when I'm there.  



1.     It's pretty strong in taste if u add more than enough. 


2.     I personally don't like it with coffee but that's just me. (Sam likes it, though) 


4.     It's only available at Jothi Flower Store. 


VERDICT: Don't think twice if you are cutting down on sugar or going Organic.  

Real deal! 

courtesy by @saramj7 

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